Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Happy Birthday Marcos Monserrat! 75 years!!

Feliz Cumpleaños papi! Te adoro!

It's my father's birthday today and I think I should write something about him as a little celebration of him. I couldn't be with him today so this is my tribute to him on his day when he turns 75 years old. I feel it's the least I can do for him today... He is a remarkable and truly unique person and has a certain aura that is impossible to describe unless you meet him, only then can you live the magic that he radiates. At least for me, he has always been one of the most important persons in my life. He was born the 6th of April, 1936 in Venezuela, Caracas, and left at a very young age and started touring the world with his trademark instrument which is the congas. He has played in many countries, but was predominantly touring in Europe, in countries such as Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, etc. Throughout his life and music career he has been called names such as Rey Marcos and Sancudo.... I'm truly proud to be his oldest daughter and I'm glad to have him in my life, and most importantly I always want to see him happy! There's so much more to say about him, but I will simply let the pictures tell you... as well as som of his own fun memorabilia from some of his gigs.... Enjoy!

Restaurant & pub Edelweiss in Stockholm, Solna, where he frequently appeared.

I love this bit of advert, it must have been ages ago in Sweden, it says the entry fee is 4 Swedish crowns, which is nothing today but most have been a small fortune back in the day!

This must have been from the times when he was in Paris playing. Here is also where he was approached by a Swedish agent that invited him to play in Grona Lund. At those times the conga was unique and was considered really exotic in Scandinavia.

Here with 'Los 5 amigos'.

And finally, I did this illustration for him, as I couldn't be with him today. So I've posted this to him as my present to him. It is a Veneuelana Macaw, which I absolutely love and they remind me of him and his wonderful stories about his adventures in Venezuela when he was a boy. I also wrote down parts of the lyrics from Venezuelan artist Oscar d'Leon and his song A el. It is a great song with great lyrics, and I dedicate it to my father!


  1. Fin du är Yoli. du är jätte duktig. stolt över dig. Saknar dig... Älskar dig.

    Puss / Adelaide =)

  2. Tuuuuuung yoli! Shit kan tänka mig att d va jobbigt o inte va där den dagen! Du e grym!

