Friday, 25 March 2011

Paper hat - a legacy

I found these pictures that I took last summer at my uncle's house.

He had this paper hat hanging on the wall in his house. It is a legacy from my grandfather (on my mother's side). Apparently, he made these from the cement paper bags they used in their work, and then used a thick nail to hold it together.

I think it's an art work!

Abuelito Pepe...tqm!

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

RSA competition

I one of our modules, Design Application, we got given a real brief for a competition. There was a few to choose from and I chose one called 'Make something disappear'. The task was to take something away that damages the environment. I chose to focus on getting rid of all the paper receipts we receive but not necessarily want (or need). So, I thought it would be great if they could, by paying by card, be sent to an online banking service which most people have nowadays. In that way you could just go back anytime and print out your receipt if needed. No unnecessary waste. Just say no to paper receipts! Anyways, so after handing in the coursework, our teacher chose a few people in my class that was given the opportunity to actually enter the competition.

Now, I sent my RSA boards and sketchbook with the post, and here I post you the final boards proposing the brilliant idea. I'm pleased with my boards, I know there are some things I could have improved much more, like how the actual campaign would have looked like, but in lack of time and trying to focus on my current modules, this is the result.

Board 1

Board 2

Board 3

Board 4

And btw, thank you to Hanna and Simona for helping me with their opinion (and picture hehe).

Monday, 14 March 2011

Alex Erlandson

I just discovered Alex Erlandson. He was a tree sculptor and made these amazing creations. He bent them and created patterns with them. They are so beautiful. Really. With them he opened up a horticultural attraction and called them 'the tree circus'.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Self portrait